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Migration Stress

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 Migration Stress

Migration is considered one of life’s major events that can bring significant changes in all aspects of an individual’s life. Therefore, feeling fear and anxiety before this significant event is entirely natural and expected. As a result, one of the crucial aspects of the migration process is creating suitable mental conditions and controlling anxiety before migration.

Stress is a natural body response that, when controlled, is essential for continuing life and harmonizing with the environment, improving performance and efficiency to some extent. However, in cases of stress beyond control and with a prolonged duration, it can lead to depression, anxiety, and other issues. Additionally, it disrupts senses and perceptions, reducing mental problem-solving abilities and overall performance.

Therefore, a migrant should, before migration, go through psychological preparation steps and utilize essential resources to reduce their own tensions and stresses.

Migration stress, considering your living conditions and individual personality, can have various reasons. However, some of the most important reasons include:

 Facing Loneliness and Losing Loved Ones

One of the primary reasons for the fear of migration is the inevitable separation from loved ones. Individual migrations, therefore, impose greater pressure on the person, and the more family members or friends accompanying the migration, the easier it becomes to bear this pressure. The fear of not being able to see our loved ones again for a long time or being in difficult conditions with them is a significant deterrent to migration. Additionally, being alone is a challenging aspect for some, and the prospect can be worrisome for them.

 Fear of the Unknown in Migration

Entering a new city or country means encountering a wave of unknowns. Unfamiliarity with the language of the destination country, the culture, the beliefs of the people, and many other issues can cause anxiety and fear of migration. Experts believe that migration at younger ages involves less psychological pressure, as adaptability is higher during these years, allowing quicker adjustment to existing changes.




 Financial Concerns

Financial worries and material provision in migration are essential challenges. Almost everyone deciding to migrate faces this concern, and financial and material worries occupy a significant portion of their mental preoccupation. These concerns can significantly influence the decision to migrate.

Losing Opportunities

In many cases, migration means leaving behind one’s assets and creating a new life in a new environment. Therefore, fears of financial or educational challenges are among the issues that can cause concerns about migration.

Fear of Failure in Migration

Migration is one of the most serious decisions in everyone’s life that can become a turning point. The decision to migrate can put you in better conditions and lead to progress in your life; however, at times, migration may cause you to lose many desirable life opportunities. Therefore, making a thoughtful decision, considering all aspects is one of the crucial points that you should pay attention to.

Cultural Differences

Large societies in most countries have witnessed changes in culture. What has made these societies function well is the acceptance of these cultures over a long period. If you go to a new place and expect them to follow old cultural norms, you will undoubtedly waste a lot of time.

Difficulty in Finding New Friends

This issue depends on the city you live in and how much you engage in exploration. The ability to find friends in a new country can be quite challenging. To solve this problem, try joining clubs and your favorite groups; this way, you can find friends among those who share common interests.

Language Challenges

Migration to another country, especially where you don’t speak the native language, is challenging. Overcoming language barriers is particularly difficult if it’s not your preferred language. So, start learning gradually, practice every day, and use every opportunity to speak a new language, even if you feel embarrassed.

Challenges Before Marriage in the Destination Country

When an individual decides to get married in their own country, they face numerous challenges, bearing significant stress for their happiness. Now, imagine making the decision to marry someone else in a different country, with whom you don’t even share a conversation.





Family Issues in the Destination Country

In reality, when people migrate, they focus solely on their social status, adaptation to the new environment, jobs, and income. During this time, they may overlook their marital life and even their spouse, leading to problems.

Parenting Challenges in the Destination Country

Children, more than parents, can adapt themselves to the new conditions of the destination country and are more susceptible to influence. They might get accustomed to the culture, customs, and traditions of the new country, behaving like other members of society.

Despite being aware of all the challenges and obstacles of migration, if you still choose migration to achieve your goals and continue your life path:

  • Make Informed)logical) Decisions

Take note of all the pros and cons of migration according to your perspective. Rate each from one to ten. In the end, tally up the scores for pros and cons to determine if migration’s advantages outweigh its disadvantages for you. If you feel uncertain about your decision-making, even with this technique, consulting with an advisor is advisable.


  • Maintain a Positive Mindset

Considering the stressful nature of the migration process, the mind tends to attract negative thoughts automatically. Manage your mind. For instance:

Always stay hopeful.

Think about the positive changes that will occur in your life after migration.

Remember that negative thoughts are constructs of your mind and don’t necessarily reflect reality. Often, we’ve worried about the worst-case scenarios that never happened.

Have a positive thought or a pleasant memory ready to redirect your attention when negative thoughts overwhelm you.

If negative thoughts persist, write them down on paper. This helps clear your mind, allowing you to ignore these thoughts and find suitable solutions. If this task is challenging alone, seek help from a trustworthy friend or colleague.

  • Enhancing Individual and Interpersonal Capabilities

It’s imperative for prospective immigrants to bolster their problem-solving skills. This involves making the best choices based on personal priorities when confronting challenges throughout the migration process. Learning

this crucial skill should not be postponed until after migration since unexpected issues may arise suddenly on this journey.



Prior to migration, individuals should focus on fortifying their resilience, indicating their capacity to face stress and crises. Resilient individuals, who remain calm, patient, and logical amidst life challenges, especially migration, tend to thrive. Post-arrival, they seek new friendships, expand their social network, and approach challenges with a positive mindset, viewing migration issues not as problems but as new path challenges.

Before embarking on the journey of migration, it’s crucial to assess your emotional tolerance and elevate it. Migration, even when accompanied by family, often entails parting ways with friends, acquaintances, relatives, and cherished memories, among many other emotional bonds.

To gauge your emotional and sentimental depth, inquire about the extent of your dependency on friends. How frequently do you meet them in person? To what degree do your memories occupy your thoughts, and how much can nostalgic places immerse you in contemplation, stirring your emotions?

Becoming a target of discrimination is undesirable for anyone. Yet, some individuals possess a suitable level of flexibility and can navigate the significant issue of becoming a second-class citizen to some extent. If you’ve experienced frequent discrimination in your home country, considering the likelihood of increased discrimination in the host country, contemplating and resolving this matter before migration is essential. Pondering and solving this issue beforehand can significantly alleviate your anxiety and stress.

  • Defining Specific and Detailed Migration Goals

Among the various strategies for mitigating pre-migration stress, focusing on your migration goals is essential. It’s self-evident that achieving any goal requires accepting the difficulties and challenges along its path.

By concentrating on your migration objectives and envisioning them, you can find solace. This process makes it easier for you to endure and manage the stress and anxieties preceding migration. Consequently, redirect all your thoughts toward your goals. You can detail your objectives on paper, discuss them with others, and…





  • Be Purposeful

Plan your entire day to avoid having time to dwell on matters. Align your schedule with your academic or work commitments, meticulously planning your leisure hours.

Initiating a new life demands extra effort, and it’s natural for an immigrant, compared to a resident, to spend more time and effort reaching any goal. This necessity compels you to make the most of every opportunity; you won’t have time to waste on homesickness. The good news is that this engagement will greatly assist you in keeping loneliness at bay.

  • Acquire new skills and live your life

Embrace the experience of being abroad, feeling a bit down? No worries! Head to the park and take a leisurely stroll. Explore nature, hop on a bicycle. Visit museums and city galleries. Travel to nearby cities within your capabilities, enhancing your experiences and knowledge from the new country. Dive into learning a new language, even your mother tongue. Initiate a new sport. Practice playing a musical instrument.

Learn new artistic and technical skills. Try cooking in the style of the new culture. Watch movies and series in the language of the destination country. This list can go on endlessly; later, see if there’s room to immerse yourself in the homesickness and sorrow!

  • Embrace the new community culture

Participate in cultural, recreational, festivals, or local competitions. Join student societies in the university and college environment. Actively engage in charitable activities and various programs. Never feel like a stranger; you are a student of that university with the right to participate as much as others, even the local students. So, don’t distance yourself and leave the field open for competitors!



  • Try to benefit from the experiences of successful immigrants

Many successful Iranians now live in various countries worldwide. The diversity of occupations and activities among Iranian immigrants is such that undoubtedly, you can find individuals who were once in your current situation. Sometimes, review the past of immigrants who started in much tougher conditions than you and are now at the pinnacle of success. Successful Iranian immigrant doctors, engineers, artists, merchants, lawyers, and industrialists serve as excellent examples for those at the beginning of this journey.

  • Being Prepared for Migration

Migration is a precise process where each stage must be carefully and thoroughly completed. A small flaw in any stage can complicate the entire migration process. Therefore, you must be adequately prepared before undertaking each stage.




For example, prepare the required documents for each stage, remember important dates, such as embassy visits and dates related to sending documents, etc. Choosing a suitable immigration consultant or lawyer who can provide necessary guidance and convey all essential information to you can significantly alleviate your anxiety.

What Personalities Should Avoid Migration?

Discussing personalities that should not migrate might not be entirely appropriate since, ultimately, every individual may decide to migrate based on their needs, desires, and goals. It cannot be said that if someone has a certain personality disorder, they should not migrate. However, migration might be challenging for some individuals.

For instance, individuals with emotional dependencies or entanglements may find it difficult to detach from their beloved things and people and migrate to another country. However, regardless of the personality traits, any disorder should be treated, as some may think that migrating will solve their personality issues, which is not necessarily true.

Someone with psychological disorders like borderline personality, antisocial personality, etc., may not decrease their problems after migration if these issues intensify. Migration requires a resilient individual who can withstand all adversities. So, if you intend to migrate, carefully assess whether you can live in a foreign land without the presence of familiar faces and family.

Final Words

Migration, one of life’s pivotal decisions, can bring about profound transformations. Consequently, it’s natural for an individual to experience stress and anxiety before migration. To manage migration stress, one must take pre-migration actions, such as cultivating a positive mindset, setting goals, acquiring new skills, embracing the new society’s culture, and other detailed measures we’ve explored.

Migration stress can manifest in various forms. Some individuals may suffer from depression, anxiety, or sleep disorders. Others might face communication or occupational challenges, while some may even encounter physical problems.

If you’re planning to migrate or have already done so, facing anxiety-related issues, don’t confront them alone. We stand by your side. One crucial step you can take is seeking psychological counseling. Our psychologists at Dr. Maadiko Counseling Department, experienced in addressing challenges specific to Iranian migrants, can assist you by listening and providing guidance.

To schedule a counseling session and initiate your therapeutic journey, simply contact us through this link. We eagerly await your reach.





Pupolar Service

 Migration Stress Migration is considered one ...