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 Almond Eye Surgery: The Art of Canthoplasty


A revolutionary cosmetic surgery procedure that has become extremely popular recently is canthoplasty. It’s the preferred choice for people who want almond-shaped eyes, an improvement in eye shape that can improve one’s entire appearance.

If you wish to pursue this endeavor, Dr. Maadico’s Cosmetic Department’s highly skilled experts in Iran are ready to assist you in reaching your objective. We’ll go into the realm of canthoplasty in this in-depth tutorial, explaining what it is, its advantages, and how it can help you get the desired almond eye change. We’ll also discuss related subjects like cosmetic canthoplasty along the way. Let’s examine this life-changing and confidence-boosting eye surgery in more detail.


What is Canthoplasty?

The goal of the Almond Eye surgery, known as canthoplasty is to modify the appearance and location of the outer corner of the eye. This cutting-edge cosmetic surgery method has become quite well-liked due to its capacity to improve the almond-shaped natural eyes. You can produce a more symmetrical and alluring eye appearance with canthoplasty by carefully correcting the lateral canthus, or the outside corner, of the eye.


The Almond Eye Transformation

Almond-shaped eyes have always been a popular choice for beauty. The slightly ups wept outer corner of this eye shape gives it a natural, exotic, and seductive appearance. The almond eye change, which has grown in popularity recently, can be achieved via canthoplasty.


Who Is a Candidate for Canthoplasty?

  • If you are experiencing eyelid laxity or issues like ectropion and entropion. there are various causes for eyelid laxity, including aging, trauma, prior surgeries, ectropion, or entropion.


  • Ectropion is characterized by the lower eyelid turning outward, exposing the inner surface of the eye. This condition can lead to dry eyes and, in more advanced stages, result in eyelid swelling, tearing, and even diminished vision.


  • Entropion, on the other hand, involves the eyelid turning inward, causing eyelashes to come into contact with the inner surface of the eye. If left untreated, this can lead to corneal damage.


  • In the case of facial paralysis, such as Bell’s palsy. A condition in which a person experiences temporary paralysis of the facial muscles, which usually resolves by itself, but the results may cause cosmetic problems in the person’s face and cause psychological damage.




  • For those seeking cosmetic enhancements through canthoplasty, goals may include opening the eyes, altering their appearance, and changing the eye angle for aesthetic reasons. Many individuals find the creation of almond-shaped eyes, achieved by modifying the eye’s appearance, to be particularly attractive.


canthoplasty can be performed either on its own or in conjunction with other eye surgeries like blepharoplasty or other cosmetic procedures like a facelift.


Procedure for Almond Eye


  1. Preoperative Counseling

A plastic surgeon will meet with you to talk over your expectations and surgical objectives for your canthoplasty. You will be advised of the dangers and recovery once the surgeon evaluates the characteristics of your eyes to create a customized surgery.

  1. Anesthesia and Incision

Usually, canthoplasty involves local anesthetic and sedation, but sometimes general anesthesia is used as well. To reduce scarring, the doctor creates a tiny incision in the outer corner of the eye and expertly hides it within the crease.


  1. Tendon Adjustment in Canthal

The canthal tendon, which stabilizes the outer corner of the eye, must be adjusted as the primary step in the canthoplasty procedure. This tendon will be re positioned and tightened by the surgeon to give the impression of almond-shaped eyes.


  1. Closure

After the necessary adjustments, the wound is painstakingly closed with tiny stitches. Suturing skill on the part of the surgeon is essential to producing a scar that is barely noticeable and complements the natural contour of the eye.


Procedure for Canthoplasty


Advantages of Canthoplasty

For people looking to increase their eye shape and achieve an almond eye makeover, Almond Eye Transformation has many advantages. Let’s examine a few of these benefits:


  • Almond Eye Transformation: The first step in having enticing almond-shaped eyes, which can greatly improve the appearance of your face, is Almond Eye Transformation.


  • Young Appearance: By causing a slight upward tilt, which is frequently connected to youth and energy, canthoplasty can also provide the eyes a more young appearance.


  • Better Symmetry: Canthoplasty can help balance and rectify your features if you are concerned about asymmetry in the form of your eyes.


  • Confidence Boost: Following a canthoplasty, many patients report feeling more confident and satisfied with their look.


  • Quick Recovery: You can start enjoying your redesigned eyes sooner because to the canthoplasty’s comparatively quick recovery period.


 Comparing Medical and Cosmetic Almond Eye Transformation


It’s crucial to remember that canthoplasty is not just done for looks. Canthoplasty can be divided into two main categories: medical and cosmetic. Let’s quickly discuss the differences between the two:

Cosmetic Almond Eye Surgery

The type of canthoplasty most frequently used to create almond-shaped eyes and other cosmetic modifications is cosmetic canthoplasty. Enhancing the overall appearance of the eyes to make them more appealing and harmonious is the primary objective of cosmetic canthoplasty.

Rather than using canthoplasty to treat a medical issue, people who prefer to obtain a particular appearance—such as almond-shaped eyes—often select this type of procedure.


Medical Almond Eye Surgery

On the other hand, medical Almond Eye Surgery is mainly done to treat functional problems with the eyes. Issues including malpositioned eyelids, ectropion (outward turning of the eyes), and entropion (inward turning of the eyelids) can all be fixed with it.


 Comparing Medical and Cosmetic Canthoplasty


Medical Almond Eye Surgery aims to restore normal eye function and comfort above all else, while treatment can also have cosmetic benefits. Patients with disorders affecting their vision or eye health are frequently advised to get it.


 Recovery and Aftercare

It’s crucial to carefully adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions after having a Almond Eye Surgery. Here are some broad recommendations for recuperation and follow-up:


  • Cold Compress: In the early days after surgery, applying a cold compress might help lessen swelling and discomfort.


  • Lubricating Eye Drops: To keep your eyes pleasant and encourage healing, your surgeon may prescribe these.


  • Avoid Intense Activities: In order to promote appropriate healing, it is advised to abstain from intense activities for a few weeks.


  • Protect Your Eyes: During the healing process, wearing sunglasses can shield your eyes from the sun and other environmental variables.


  • Follow-Up consultations: Keep track of your progress and discuss any concerns with your surgeon by showing up for all planned follow-up consultations.


 Risks and Considerations

Although Almond Eye Surgery is generally regarded as a safe and effective technique, there are always some inherent risks associated with surgery. Making an informed selection requires being aware of these potential issues. Typical dangers and factors to think about are:


  • Scarring: Despite the carefully planned placement of the incisions, visible scarring is always possible, albeit it is usually mild and eventually disappears.


 Risks and Considerations


  • Infection: There is a chance of infection with any surgical procedure. By following your surgeon’s instructions for post-operative care, you can lower this risk considerably.


  • Bleeding: While some bleeding following surgery is common, excessive bleeding may be cause for concern. Patients ought to exercise caution and notify their surgeon of any unexpected bleeding.


  • Asymmetry: It might be difficult to achieve complete symmetry. There’s a chance that some asymmetry will remain, or further steps might be required to get the ideal outcomes.


  • Pain: Swelling and soreness following surgery are typical, but they normally go away in a few weeks.


  • Functional Changes: In certain situations, canthoplasty may affect how the tear ducts or eyelids work, which may result in problems like dry eyes or excessive tears.


Canthoplasty is a revolutionary treatment that can improve the shape of your eyes, giving you enticing, attractive almond-shaped eyes. Canthoplasty offers a potential route to reaching your goals, whether you’re looking for a medical remedy to address concerns with eye function or a cosmetic improvement to boost your confidence.

Due to its many advantages and comparatively quick recuperation time, this surgical method has grown in popularity among those seeking to improve the appearance of their eyes in general.

If you’re thinking about having a canthoplasty, Dr. Maadico’s Cosmetic Department is here to ensure that your surgical experience in Iran leaves you with joyful memories.


If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.


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  1. What is the difference between blepharoplasty and Almond Eye?

While Almond Eye primarily treats the outer corner of the eye, changing its form and position, blepharoplasty concentrates on improving the appearance of the eyelids.

  1. Which is better Canthopexy or Almond Eye?

While canthopexy is used to support or tighten the outer corner of the eye without significantly changing the shape of the eye, Almond Eye is generally thought to be better at creating an almond-shaped eye.




1.What is eyelid  Almond Eye?

Eyelid canthoplasty is a surgical technique used to improve the shape of the eye or solve functional issues by repositioning the lateral canthus, or outside corner of the eye.


2.How painful is Almond Eye?

Canthoplasty is done under anesthesia and is usually not too unpleasant, however there may be some minor soreness during the healing phase.


3.Is a  Almond Eye safe?

When carried out by a qualified and experienced surgeon, canthoplasty is regarded as safe; nevertheless, as with any surgery, some possible risks and consequences should be discussed with your physician.


4.Where can I find affordable and high-quality services for Almond Eye?

Canthoplasty is among the many cosmetic procedures that Iran offers at a significantly lower cost than other places due to its reputation for having highly qualified doctors and state-of-the-art facilities. Iranian doctors possess extensive training, and the nation’s attractive combination of quality and price makes it a desirable location for aesthetic treatments.




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 Almond Eye Surgery: The Art of ...