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 Back Liposuction

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 Back Liposuction


Do you belong to that group of people who fear liposuction just because people around you say that the procedure is not safe at all?

Well, they might be right because today, there are plenty of specialists who perform liposuction such as back liposuction, love handles liposuction, and so on, but not all of them are highly skilled enough to perform back liposuction, for example in a way to provide the best result and at the same time minimize the complications.

The choice of specialists hence becomes too tough, and this is when Dr. Maadico, along with its team of highly skilled experts, comes to action as a light for the entire back liposuction journey for us.  All you need to do is contact our experts and enjoy a free and detailed consultation regarding back liposuction. Till then, let us read more about the procedure itself to know better.


What is Back Liposuction

It is considered to be a surgery that focuses on the fat that is stored in the area of the back.  It is not easy to lose fat fast via exercise, and some people do not even have that much patience to wait for the best results. This is when back liposuction comes into action and shows its real power.




There are many potential and possible causes behind the existence of back fat but the most common one among all possibilities is because of a poor diet and a lazy lifestyle. Sugary foods, junk food, and food that can result in a bloated stomach are the reasons behind you having back fat.

There is also a factor that can cause back fat, but it is not recognized fully as a reason behind its creation, and that is poor posture.


Liposuction for Back Fat

The procedure of liposuction on the upper back saved many from getting further fat accumulated in the area of the back. Now, one can easily remove back fat with liposuction regain the lost self-confidence, and wear any clothes that they desire. Back liposuction is very effective and will provide you with a permanent result that you can enjoy for life.

  • The specialist will give you general anesthesia so that throughout the procedure, you will not feel anything. In the case of small-area liposuction, the anesthesia type will differ.


  • In the back liposuction procedure, the specialist will create tint incisions through which he/she will enter the thin cannula to the areas that have fat accumulated and need to be removed.




  • The cannula will be moved in and out in your back area to detach the stubborn fat cells that are connected to your connective tissues.


  • In the majority of the cases, the back liposuction is done as a part of the 360 liposuction procedure, and it is even followed by a gluteal transfer of the excess fat.

Soon after the procedure, the surgeon will massage the area for the anesthesia solution from the tissues to be removed. It is done to minimize the swelling and discomfort for you during the post-back liposuction period.


Quick Facts On Back Liposuction

Type Back liposuction
Age 18 and above
Anesthesia General
Duration 2-3 hours
Recovery 2-3 days

After The Procedure or Recovery

It is a very frequently asked question as people are worried about whether the fat will return to the back area or not.  The good news is that back liposuction will provide you with immediate and permanent results that you can enjoy.

You will be discharged from the hospital on the same day, but make sure you have someone to drive you back home from the hospital, as it will be difficult and uncomfortable for you to drive back home yourself.

You will have to wear post-operative garments that are meant for compression, which will help ease the pain and the swelling during the recovery period. It differs from individual to individual. One will recover soon after the procedure, and some may even take two or three days more.




Within five to six weeks, you will be able to see the results, but for the best and the final results, you will have to wait for about three months.  For further best results, you need to avoid gaining excess weight.


Things to Expect from The Procedure

From liposuction on the upper back, you can expect straightforward results, and it will give you the best you ever wanted. If you are thinking about regaining your lost self-confidence as a result of back fat, then the procedure can do magic for you.

Some of the potential benefits of the back liposuction are:

  • It provides an overall improvement along with anxiety reduction, stress as well as depression.
  • It will make you look leaner and thinner without any back fat bulging.
  • Your body contours will be improved.
  • You will have a wider choice and more freedom to wear any dress you like.


Am I A Good Candidate for The Back Liposuction Procedure? 

You will go through many tests and checkups before the procedure for the specialist to see whether you are an ideal candidate or not. You will be suitable for the procedure if you are:

  • Having a stable weight and if you are obese and overweight
  • If you are physically fit and have no record of chronic medical conditions.
  • If you have tried diet and different exercises but still haven’t gotten the desired result,
  • If you have a realistic expectation of the result of the procedure.



The Cost of the Back Liposuction Procedure

The back liposuction procedure can have different costs in different countries based on many factors, such as the area of the procedure, clinic charges, anesthesia costs, and even specialist fees.

The cost of the back liposuction will be around $3500, but if it is combined with other procedures, such as a 360 liposuction procedure, then the cost will increase for sure.

The cost of the same procedure will be around $4500 in the United States, and in Canada, it will cost you about $6999.  The cost of the back liposuction will be only around $700 per area in Iran. Now you see why the back liposuction procedure is so highly demanded in Iran.


Potential Risks of Back Liposuction

Every procedure, be it major or minor, can have its risks if it is not performed under a skilled expert or if you have not followed the instructions given by your specialist.

Some of the risks that can happen as a result of back liposuction are:

  • Your body may show a reaction to anesthesia.
  • There can be swelling and bruising.
  • Infection can occur on the site of the incisions.
  • There are chances of fat embolism and scarring.
  • There might be chances of fluid accumulation.
  • If the surgeon is not skilled well, there can be issues with contouring.
  • Last but not least, you might experience blood clots.

Back Liposuction Post-Operative Procedure Overview

Back liposuction is a procedure that does not take long to heal, and you will be able to return to your daily routine a day or two after the procedure.

  • Immediately after the surgery, you will be advised to wear compression garments, which will help ease the pain and reduce the swelling.


  • It is normal to feel pain and discomfort while you are discharged from the clinic. In case of pain, take the medicines prescribed by your specialist. If your pain is severe, then get back to your specialist immediately.





  • After five days, you have to return to your specialist to help you remove your compression garment and check the incision site.


  • Maintain a healthy diet and stay away from smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Liposuction belongs to the plastic surgery category, which is in high demand now. Today, one can go for back liposuction, buttocks liposuction, love handles liposuction, and a lot more.

The main goal behind the procedure of back liposuction is to suck out the excess fat using cannulas and remove them from the body forever. At times, people take fat from their body parts using liposuction procedures and insert it in other parts that are in need.

Make sure, while you are done with your back liposuction, to avoid strenuous activities and take a walk, as it is good for a speedy recovery.


Final Note

Considering the sensitive nature of choosing a skilled specialist, the experts of the Cosmetic Department of Dr. Maadico stand ready to illuminate your path through the entire back liposuction journey. Take the crucial step towards a consultation with Dr. Maadico, where you can enjoy a free and detailed discussion about your back liposuction aspirations.

If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.



  • Who is not an ideal candidate for back liposuction? 

If you are someone who has asthma, diabetes as well as blood pressure issues, then this plastic surgery is not ideal for you.


  • Should I choose Iran for back liposuction? 

Iran has plenty of skilled experts who have had a huge number of successful surgeries to date. On top of that, Iran is also a country where these surgeries are done more cheaply as compared to other countries.


  • What amount of fat can be removed from back-in-back liposuction? 

In general, around 11 points of fat can be removed from your body in the first session itself.


  • Will there be any scars after back liposuction? 

Scars can be visible from the incisions. The surgeon will advise you on how you should look after your scars, minimize the scars, and make them less visible. In general, the procedure will hold tiny scars.




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