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Buccal Fat Removal

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Buccal Fat Removal


Experience a transformative cosmetic procedure targeting the area between the cheekbones and jaws—buccal fat removal. This procedure allows you to shape your face according to your desires.

While many focus on choosing the right attire and makeup to enhance their appearance, there’s a group of individuals concerned about their physical look. Cosmetic surgeries become a solution for them.

Dr. Maadico is here to assist you with a complimentary and detailed consultation on the buccal fat removal procedure. If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a text, and we’ll guide you every step of the way.


 The Buccal Fat Removal Procedure

The fat lies between your jaws and the cheekbones. Thanks to this procedure you can easily shape your face and make it much more detailed. The buccal fat removal procedure removes the excess fat in the area of the face and highlights the shape of your bones in the area of the cheeks and jaws. The other name for this procedure is the cheek reduction procedure.

The demand for the buccal fat revision even doubled because we all understood the importance of highlighting our facial contours to become better looking. It is all about getting rid of fat and a round-shaped face and getting the desired angular face with pretty cheekbones.

You may be a celebrity or a normal individual, but you should know that buccal fat revision surgery is ideal for you provided you have the minimum requirements as a good candidate that we will mention.


Unfortunately, there is no chance for the fat in this area to dissolve and go away naturally so thanks to cosmetic surgeries we can say goodbye to Buccal fat and get the desired face shape we always wanted.

So how is the buccal fat removal procedure done?


 Before The Buccal Fat Removal

Initially, you will have to search for the best surgeon who will have a long list of successful surgeries. This cheek reduction procedure may sound easy but it is not if the specialist is not skilled enough. During your first visit, the surgeon will examine your face and will give you a detailed consultation. Keep in mind that you need to give exact details about your health conditions or the medicines you are on to your specials so that he/she will study your case further in detail.



During Facial Fat Removal 

  • The process is done in a hospital as you will receive local anesthesia.


  • The surgeon will make sure your skin is numb and there will not be any feeling during the surgery.


  • You will be aware of what is going on around you as you will be numb only in the area of the face but if you require more than a single surgery then you will receive general anesthesia.



  • The surgeon will then start making tiny incisions in your face on the side of your mouth and your buccal fat will be visible.


  • The fats will be pressed and will be exposed, slowly they will be cut and will be removed.



  • The last stage will be the closure of your incisions with the help of dissolvable stitches.

This is how the overall process of buccal fat removal is done.


After The Procedure

After the cheek fat reduction surgery, you will be given detailed advice on how to take care of yourself after the procedure. To avoid infections and other possible complications, make sure you do as it is told by your specialist. You will experience the following issues after the procedure such as:

  • There will be pain
  • Swelling
  • And even numbness

Make sure you take a light diet for the initial weeks till you are completely fine. You can resume your daily routine such as eating and brushing your teeth but you need to be slow and very careful while doing so.

In case of swelling and pain, you will be asked to put an ice pack on your face as prescribed by your specialist and for easing the pain you can take the painkillers as told by your surgeon.


 Quick Facts on Buccal Fat Reduction

Type of surgery Buccal fat reduction
Age 18-20 and above
Anesthesia local
Duration 45 minutes
Recovery 3-4 weeks




Who Is a Good Candidate for Buccal Fat Pad Reduction?

When we hear cosmetic surgery we only think that anyone can go for it as it is a surgery meant for beautification. In the case of slimmer face surgery, you can opt for it only if you are:

  • Not happy with the way your cheeks look.
  • If you are not happy with the angle of your face.
  • If you are not a smoker and you do not consume alcoholic beverages

If you are in overall good health condition and you have realistic expectations, then you are a good candidate for the buccal fat removal procedure. At times there is a limitation when it comes to age. So during the consultation, the surgeon will tell you whether you are an ideal candidate for it or not.

Indeed, this procedure is not medically necessary but we can’t deny the fact that it can get annoying and uncomfortable to live with a bulk of fat in the facial area.


Benefits of Cheek Reduction Surgery

The buccal lipectomy has the full potential to make your face slimmer which is a surgery both men and women go crazy about. Thanks to the process of cheek fat reduction, you will be able to enjoy the following benefits.

  • It will help you in gaining the lost self-esteem.
  • It helps in having a better and more defined cheek.
  • It grants you the ability to own a facial contour that is improved.
  • It acts as an overall facial rejuvenation and a new birth.
  • Finally, there will not be any scars visible.

The Cost of a Buccal Fat Removal

The cost of the cheek fat reduction varies based on your condition and the surgeon you are planning to visit. The country in which you will be getting the Cheek Reduction Surgery can have an impact on the cost of the procedure as well.

The cost of the procedure is around $2800 in the United States and the same surgery will cost you $3000 to $5000 in Canada. But the same surgery will cost you only $1000 to a maximum of $2000.

So if you were thinking why do people choose Iran for their cosmetic surgeries, now you have your answer.




 Risks of a Buccal Fat Revision Procedure

Risks and complications may arise in two scenarios. Firstly, if the surgeon lacks sufficient expertise, and secondly, if you fail to follow post-procedure instructions provided by your surgeon.

Some of the most common risks and side effects that can happen as a result of this procedure are:

  • Bleeding and infection
  • Issues with the asymmetry of the post-surgery
  • There can be fluid accumulation on the site of the procedure
  • Removal of excess buccal fat can cause your face to look hollow
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia
  • Weakness in the muscles of the face
  • And finally injury in the salivary glands


Is Buccal Fat Removal Different from Cheek Liposuction? 

Indeed, it is. In the process of cheek liposuction, the fat is vacuumed with the help of a narrow tube but in the case of the buccal fat removal, the fat pad is removed which lies under the cheekbones. The best is that the buccal fat procedure can even help with your smile line and tighten your skin with a slight facelift procedure.


The Last Words

This article explores a cosmetic procedure that sculpts the face between the cheekbones and jaws, emphasizing its transformative impact on facial features based on personal preferences. The discussion encompasses pre- and post-procedure phases, candidacy requirements, advantages, cost factors, and potential risks. The aim is to provide objective and consistent insights for individuals considering about this specific cosmetic surgery.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery, such as slimmer face surgery involving buccal fat pad removal, rests entirely with you. The procedure offers numerous benefits, compelling you to consider it for achieving a perfect face contour. If you still have unanswered questions, we are here to provide the information you need. Get a free consultation with the Cosmetic Department of Dr. Maadico in Iran.

If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.



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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the process of lower cheek fat removal safe? 

If the process is done under the surveillance of a skilled expert, then there will not be any issues and the process is safe but if the opposite happens issues such as bleeding, bruising, and infections are sure to happen.



  1. Is the removed fat going to come back after the surgery? 

Once the surgery is done and the buccal facial fat is removed there is no comeback.


  1. Can I do buccal fat removal more than once? 

Only once is enough to get the fat removed and as it is a permanent procedure there is no need for a second one.


  1. What should I restrict after the buccal procedure? 

Until you are fully fine, you need to restrict yourself and avoid strenuous activity along with heavy lifting.

  1. Can I eat everything after the surgery? 

After the surgery for the first initial days, it is better to eat light food. Choose liquid foods that will be easy to swallow so that you will not have issues while eating.



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