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Cool Sculpting

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Cool Sculpting


If you are interested in getting rid of the excess fat that is too stubborn and does not seem to get away by diet or exercise, then you need to consider undergoing the best procedure, cool sculpting. Thanks to cool sculpting today, you can freeze that stubborn fat and get rid of it more easily.

The best news is that you can get cool sculpting done in any part of your body, such as your tummy, chin, thighs, inner thighs, and even calves. Isn’t it a great procedure to have a focused removal of stubborn fat from certain parts of your body? It is, indeed.

Suboptimal outcomes in cool sculpting procedures often stem from insufficient understanding and unmet client expectations. Addressing these concerns, Dr. Maadico in Iran provides expert guidance to individuals seeking successful body contouring through cool sculpting. For a professional consultation tailored to your needs, reach out to us today.


Cool Sculpting

Thanks to research and the hard work of the scientists, there are many new ideas behind the cool sculpting procedure. It is said that the procedure breaks down the fat cells by freezing them, and it makes it easier for you to get rid of them. However, the process does not remove fat; if you desire the best result, you must go for the procedure, maintain a healthy diet, and finally have an active lifestyle.




To prepare for a particular procedure, it’s essential to have a thorough understanding of its physical and mental requirements. For instance, let’s consider CoolSculpting, which is known for being painless and complication-free. This non-invasive treatment requires no downtime. Essentially, CoolSculpting involves freezing targeted fat cells from any area of the body, facilitating a faster and easier fat-removal process

The procedure uses a device that holds that particular part of your body between paddles. The paddles cool immediately, and they stay on your body for about 30 to 40 minutes. When we say it freezes, we mean that the device freezes your skin and the fat cells under it.

During cool sculpting, it has been said that almost 20 to 25% of your fat is being targeted to break down. You will not be able to see the results immediately, as you need to add a healthy diet along with exercises to your daily routine for better results.

Remember that during this procedure, your fat cells will be frozen and crystallized, which will aid in faster breakdown. So, let us read about how it is done in detail to get prepared for the procedure mentally.




The Process of Cool Sculpting

  • Once you find the best specialist who will guide and consult with you regarding the procedure, you will be given a date to be present in the clinic.
  • It is a comfortable procedure without any pain or need for any kind of anesthesia.
  • You can read a book, listen to music, or even get busy on your phone; the whole process is being done on you.
  • Initially, the specialist will place the pinchable fat bulge, which is a hollow handpiece, to be packed into the device. There can be some pressure on the device, such as the skin in it, to freeze the fat, but there is no pain at all.




  • You will feel an intense cold, but it will eventually get normal. Other feelings, such as pulling, tugging, or even numbness around the targeted site, are completely fine to occur. Do not worry, and do not be afraid.
  • The most important part about this procedure is that there is no pain, no scars, and no damage to your skin. When the suction device is removed from your skin, you will see only a block of frozen tissue, which will subside slowly. This is how the procedure is done. Comfortably and safely.


The Duration of Cool Sculpting

The procedure takes around 30 minutes or can even be extended to up to an hour if you desire to get multiple sites on the same day. Once your treatment is over, you may experience a slight reduction, but the best results will be visible eventually. You may get home and get back to your normal routine immediately as you reach home. Make sure you exercise and start eating healthy if you are thinking of getting the results faster.

The results expected from the procedure are nothing but around 25% of fat reduction at the treatment site. Results may not be visible immediately, but they will be for sure. The elimination process will continue to take place even up to three months after treatment.


H2 Quick Facts Regarding Cool Sculpting Procedure

Type Cool Sculpting
Age 18 and above
Anaesthesia None
Duration 30 minutes to 1 hour
Recovery Few hours


after the Cool Sculpting Procedure

So now that we know the process is completely noninvasive and safe, you can go home once it is done. All you need to do is listen to what your specialist says and follow the instructions. The site where the procedure was done will be red and a bit swollen, which is normal. Keep calling, as there is no damage or scarring in this process, and you do not need to take any painkillers after the procedure.




Areas that can be treated with Cool Sculpting

Apart from the stubborn tummy fat, one can get cool sculpting done in many parts to eliminate the stubborn fat.

You can get the procedure done in your arms, thighs, under chin, knees, and other places that make it difficult to get rid of the fat and shape the way you desire. Love handles and bellies are the areas with the most focus and plenty of visitors.


Am I a Suitable Candidate for Cool Sculpting?

Cool sculpting is a perfect procedure for those who do not get results after dieting or exercising, as some parts of the body do not always show results the way we desire, thanks to the availability of stubborn fat.

Do not go for cool sculpting, if you:

  • Have loose and saggy skin.
  • If you have a skin tone that is poor in nature.
  • If you are suffering from Cryoglobulinemia.
  • If you have a skin condition such as cold urticarial.
  • If you have paroxysmal, it is known to be a kind of anemia.
  • If you are unable to handle cold.
  • The procedure is not suitable for pregnant women.
  • If you have obesity, then you should avoid going for cool sculpting.


Risks of Cool Sculpting

Though the procedure is completely noninvasive and no anesthesia is involved, the procedure has risks as well.

Some of them are:

  • Tingling in the area of the procedure.
  • Stinging and firmness of skin.
  • Tenderness and redness.
  • Lastly, cramping and skin hyperpigmentation.


The Cost of Cool Sculpting

The cost of cool sculpting is not the same throughout the world. Some specialists charge higher based on the type of device they use, the number of places you desire to get your treatment done, and the clinic’s charges.




All these positively impact the cost of the cool sculpting treatment. On average, the cool sculpting costs around $2000, right up to $4000 per session, and $750, right up to $4000 in Canada.

The same procedure will cost you around $1200 in Korea and about $700 and above in Iran. If you are looking for the best quality device and high-service cool sculpting treatment, you can always choose Iran and never regret getting your treatment done under skilled experts in Iran.

Final Note

Cool sculpting has gained huge demand, and this is all because of its great results, which act like magic. The procedure is well known and well established as a great means to damage the fat cells that never tend to leave our body. Grab the golden opportunity to say bye to your stubborn fat and contact us now for more details and consultation.

Book your consultation with Dr. Maadico today and take the first step towards a slimmer, more sculpted you. Say goodbye to stubborn fat and hello to a newfound confidence. Contact Dr. Maadico’s Cosmetic Department now to start your transformational Cool Sculpting experience. Your dream body awaits

If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.



  • Is the Cool Sculpting Procedure a worthy one? 

It is a worthy procedure that has great benefits and results. Thanks to cool sculpting, the stubborn body fats are frozen, and the cells are broken for faster removal.

  • Is it a permanent procedure? 

As the fat cells are broken down and they are removed from your body when you maintain a healthy diet and exercise, there is more coming back for them, and the results are permanent.

  • Can I lose weight by cool sculpting? 

The procedure helps you lose almost 10 pounds per session, which is a noticeable amount.



  • Which one should I choose, cool sculpting or liposuction? 

Cool sculpting is noninvasive, has no downtime, and is very safe as compared to liposuction. So, choosing cool sculpting is always a wiser choice.

  • Do I have to visit more than once for a cool sculpting procedure? 

The results will be slightly visible initially after the first session, and after three months, you will see the complete results. If you need more reduction, then you can consult and go for additional sculpting sessions.



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