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Facial Bone Contouring

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Facial Bone Contouring


Cosmetics surgeries have grown uniquely. Some of them have gained a lot of clients, whereas the rest have gained a lot of new techniques and instruments that add a better result to the outcome. Today, cosmetic surgery can reshape anything you like to change, such as your facial bone, nose, chin, eyelashes, skin, and even mouth.

It is more like making you a fresh and new person thanks to these procedures. Finding an expert who will do the facial bone contouring is a challenging task among the pool of available experts. To solve this issue for you, Dr Maadico came into action. Now, you can save time and energy and find the experts only by getting a free consultation from Dr. Maadico’s Cosmetic Department experts, who will guide you throughout.


Facial Bone Contouring

Facial bone contouring, on the other hand, is known to be an excellent procedure that narrows the shape of your face and provides more angular lines to your face. It uses the reduction of bone and complex tissue procedure where the tiny bits of your bone will be removed and shaved down carefully by your specialist. As a result, you will have a smaller cheekbone in terms of its width, along with a chin and jaw that make you look better and more appealing.

Some of the most common facial bone contouring processes are:

  • V-line surgery
  • Cheekbone reduction
  • Angle reduction
  • Chin narrowing
  • Cheek fat removal
  • And lastly, masseter reduction

Facial bone surgery is also known as skeletal contouring, which is at times done for a preferential reason, but today, the majority go for this procedure for reconstructive reasons. It is not a new procedure, but it has gained a lot of fame and demand over the years.

Facial bone contouring can help you gain a more feminine or even masculine face and features with detailed and well-defined features. It helps in achieving the perfect facial balance that you have ever dreamt of. But how is the process of facial bone contouring done?

Facial Bone Surgery Procedure

It is a kind of procedure which is done under general anesthesia. You will not feel any pain or discomfort during the process. During the surgery, to get the perfect facial bone shape, the surgeon may cut or trim the cheekbone or even add an implant to make it look perfect.

Bone grafting is highly done, which takes bone from other parts of your body to the facial area to complete the facial bone surgery perfectly. During some instances, the surgeon may even use screws and plates to hold the bones.


Facial Bone Contouring



There are different types of techniques that are used for facial bone contouring. Some of them are:

Facial implants, thanks to which you may get plenty of options such as uplifting, contouring, redefining, and reshaping the facial bone.

Cheekbone reduction is considered to be a surgical procedure that is done to reshape the cheekbone and help in obtaining the perfect facial width.

Zygomatic bone surgery is also a great technique used in facial bone contouring procedures. It is a surgical procedure that is responsible for reducing the zygomatic bone along with its arc. The main goal behind this procedure is to simply remove the flatness of the face bone and make it more prominent.

Facial sculpting is another type of facial bone contouring where the face is reshaped and contoured thanks to the removal procedure of the fat that is deposited under the skin. The result of this procedure is a more defined and contoured face.

Mandible contouring also belongs to the group of facial bone contouring procedures. It is done to reshape the bone in the corners of the jawline and adjust the overall shape and look of the chin. With mandible contouring, you can even remove your large masseter muscles from your face and provide a slimmer, well-defined face.


Quick Facts about Facial Bone Contouring

Type of surgery Facial Bone Contouring
Age 18 and above
Anesthesia General
Duration 4-12 hours
Recovery 3-4 weeks


Who Is a Good Candidate for Facial Sculpting?

Let us know if you are eligible to be a good candidate for facial sculpting or not.

  • First and foremost, you need to be in a good overall health condition before you plan for facial bone contouring.


  • Apart from this, you may be a good candidate if you are suffering from trauma or have been involved in an accident that has caused severe issues with your face.



  • Today, however, men and women desire to look better and have more defined facial contours, so they go for facial bone contouring.


Benefits of Jawline or Facial Bone Contouring

Some of the worthy benefits of jawline or facial bone contouring are stated below:

  • It can enhance the overall look of the face along with the cheekbones.
  • It reduces the double chin appearance that is so undesirable.
  • It makes your faceline and jawline more accurate and detailed.
  • Facial contouring helps in gaining more self-confidence.



Risks of Facial Bone Contouring

Facial bone contouring can have the following risks for the individual.

  • You may face an adverse reaction to anesthesia.
  • Your face may feel permanent numbness.
  • There might be issues with the asymmetry of your face.
  • There can be an accumulation of liquids under the site of the procedure.
  • Infection can happen.
  • Lastly, if the surgeon is not skilled enough, blood can be lodged under your skin as well.


 Is Facial Bone Contouring Safe?

There are complications and risks with every procedure, but if you choose a skilled expert who will perform the surgery at its best, there can be no or at least fewer risks and complications with the procedure.

Keep in mind that if the specialist is not skilled well, there can be severe complications such as bleeding, some internal damage, and even scarring, which is not desirable. Jawline contouring can be the best surgery you are looking for when it comes to contouring and providing a unique and trendy overall facial shape.

The Cost of a Jawline Reshaping 

Based on the clinic you visit, your preferred surgeon, and your condition, the cost of jawline reshaping can differ. Do not forget that even in different countries, we have a significant difference in the cost of these types of cosmetic surgeries.

For example, the cost of facial bone contouring in Iran can range from around $1200 right up to $2500, whereas the same procedure can cost around $8000 to $12000 in Korea, around $3000 in Turkey, and $3000 to $7000 in Canada. You judge the difference in the cost based on the countries, and you will see why Iran is chosen widely as a cosmetic surgery destination in the world.


Why Choose Iran for Facial Bone Contouring? 

They say not everything expensive is good, which is true, but we will say that not every cheap thing is bad.

Iran has plenty of highly skilled experts who have a long, successful list of satisfied and successful clients and cases. This is why people from all over the world choose Iran, and they desire to get their facial bone contouring done in Iran under the surveillance of experts at a pocket-friendly rate.


 The Recovery After Facial Bone Contouring

  • Before the facial bone contouring, you need to avoid taking blood thinners and stay away from alcoholic beverages and smoking.


  • The recovery period will take around 3-4 weeks.




  • In the initial days, there is pain, discomfort, and swelling because of what you will have to take lightly and more of a fluid type of food.


The surgeon will advise you to:

  • Use an ice pack to calm the swelling, but make sure you do not put the ice directly on your face.


  • You need to sleep with a slightly raised neck and head. So make sure you use a proper pillow that will keep your head at a 35-degree angle.


  • It is better not to go for salty or spicy foods till you are fully recovered.


  • Say no to vigorous activities for a few weeks.


  • Keep in mind that facial contouring is also considered to be a facial shaping, thanks to which you can have a detailed and sharper look in your facial contours.

It can make your facial contours smaller and proportionate. Facial bone contouring has made thousands satisfied and happy with their results, so be the next and enjoy the lifelong results of it.


The Last Words

In this article, the realm of facial bone contouring,  its benefits, risks, procedures, and recovery were discussed. We also delved into the cost differences across countries, highlighting Iran as a cost-effective destination with skilled experts. facial bone contouring can be considered as a transformation with lifelong results. In this context choosing the right surgeon is crucial.

If you consider having this transformative surgery, you need to know whether you are a good candidate or not. This is where we come to your aid. You can simply get a free consultation with our experts from the Cosmetic Department of Dr. Maadico Co. in Iran and make the tailored choice. Take action today and get a free consultation with Dr. Maadico.

If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.



You may also be interested in knowing about:

Chin Reshaping
Chin Sculpting Procedures
Jawline Surgery
Facial Scar Revision
Cheek Dimple Creation 
Forehead Reduction Procedure
Brow Bone Reduction
Buccal Fat Removal
Facial Feminization
Lip Enhancement
Ear Correction




Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can we reshape the facial bone?

Skeletal contouring can be used for reshaping the facial bone and making it the way you desire.


  1. How long does facial bone contour last?

The non-surgical procedures will last for 6 to 8 months, whereas the surgical procedures can last a lifetime.


  1. Is facial bone surgery painful?

During the surgery, you will be given general anesthesia, so you will not feel anything, but there will be pain and discomfort after the procedure for a few days.




  1. What are the steps in facial bone contouring?

The steps are:

  • Finding the right specialist
  • Carving the cheekbones
  • Defining your hairline
  • Chiseling your jawline
  • Finally, sculpting the facial bones


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