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Facial Scar Revision

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Facial Scar Revision


Whenever there is a scar on the face it tends to be permanent and hence facial scar revision can help in getting rid of it. What do we know about the facial scar revision? Is it permanent or it is going to be a waste of time and money? Let us read further to understand more about this procedure together.

The process is mainly fine just to maximize the scar and its appearance to blend it better with the skin tone to make it less visible or fully disappear.

Keep in mind that not all will get the same results because scars can be different and different individuals have different skins that react differently to the procedure.

Scar removal surgery is a detailed one where the surgeon will decide on different treatments based on your scar condition.

The surgery is simple. The surgeon will remove the scar tissue completely. The next step will be placing the healthy unscarred skin to form a new incision line. If there is a place where the flap is not possible then the surgeon will use skin graft instead. This graft is normally taken from skin tissues of other parts of your body.


Methods of Scar Reduction Procedure

Apart from grafting and removing the scar tissue, there are other methods as well used in the process of scar minimization surgery.

  1. Dermabrasion is a unique method along with the use of a laser that surgeons use to remove facial scars. It is mainly done in the case of rough and elevated facial scar revision procedures.


  1. On the other hand, in the case of keloid and hypertrophic scars, the surgeon may treat the scars with steroid injections which helps in the reduction of the size of the scar. If the results are not satisfactory, the surgeon may remove the scar surgically and close the site with incision.


Before Opting for Facial Scar Revision

Finding and trusting a specialist in this stage is very important as you agree trusting your face which is the most prominent part of your body visible to all.

During your initial consultation period, your specialist will study the cause behind the scar you have on your face.

There are different treatments for each type of scar such as:

  • If your skin is burnt and has resulted in a scar, then there will be new skin which will help in healing and result in affecting the muscles when it comes to contraction movements.



  • Keloid scar treatment is when the scar continues to produce collagen and helps provide your skin with a smoother surface around the wound.



  • The hypertrophic scars do not grow in the boundaries of the keloids as there is an abnormal growth in the site.

Your surgeon will discuss all these treatments with you and will advise you on the best to suit your wound based on your skin and scar condition.


Quick Facts On Facial Scar Revision Surgery

Surgery Type facial scar revision
Anesthesia local
Age 18 and above
Duration one hour
Recovery a day after the procedure
Results permanent


 Am I A Good Candidate for Facial Scar Revision Surgery? 

In every kind of surgery, small or big the first and foremost important thing is that you need to be in an overall good health condition and be a non-smoker and non-drinker.

But apart from these important factors, you should have clear and real expectations from the scar removal surgery procedure.

You should understand that some scars are too deep and hence removing them completely will not take place for sure. There are types of scars that show different reactions to facial scar revision surgery. Some require you to go for laser scar therapy, some will need plastic surgery for scars, acne scar treatment and some will even need you to undergo scar minimization surgery.

The overall goal is to make the scars less visible on the face or if possible remove the scars completely. In facial scar revision surgery, the main elements that have a direct impact on the result are the type of scar, the skin type, color, and even the age of the individual.

So if you have scars on your face and you desire to get rid of them then make sure you visit the best specialist and ask for the best remedy for facial scar revision surgery or an alternative that will help you with the removal of the scars.


Expectations After the Facial Scar Revision

  • You are sure to experience some pain and discomfort after the procedure.


  • There might be swelling and bruising as well which you can ease with the help of medicines and ice packs as prescribed by your specialist.


  • The surgeon will remove the sutures from your face after a few days from the procedure but you need to give time to your face to heal well.



  • Keep in mind that this is a cosmetic surgery that is not covered by insurance at all. So if you are planning to opt for it then make sure you are well aware of its expenses.


The Benefits of a Facial Scar Removal Revision

The process has a lot of benefits as a result of which today it is highly demanded everywhere. Scars do happen whether we like it or not so having a remedy with the help of which one can get rid of the scars is a great step.

The benefits are:

  • It can help in a complete scar tissue removal procedure.
  • It makes your skin look better and smoother.
  • There will be visible dramatic changes on your skin and face.
  • You will have a younger and better skin.
  • Facial scar revision can reduce the appearance of the scar or it can even remove it completely.
  • It can improve the overall function and flexibility of your facial skin.
  • Finally, though it is a cosmetic surgery, it is pocket-friendly and easy.


 How Long Does the Facial Scar Revision Take? 

The entire process will take a few minutes to up to an hour, depending on your scar and its depth and condition.

The best is that you can return to your daily routine from the next day while you are home. In some cases, some discomforts require you to take a few more rest. In case of severe pain and swelling do get in touch with your specialist immediately.


The Risks of a Facial Scar Revision Procedure

Every surgery no matter how big or small it is holds some risks. So in the case of this revision surgery, the risks are:

  • There can be an infection
  • Pain and discomfort
  • Risks and allergic reactions to anesthesia
  • There are possibilities that you will need another revision surgery
  • Bleeding and hematoma
  • Finally, the formation of a keloid as well as the recurrence



The Best Age for The Facial Scar Revision

Scars can occur anytime and it does not depend on whether you are 18 or above it. It can result from an accident, a fire, or even just a simple wound.

The point is that facial scar revision surgery can be done when you are 18 and above because you will be given local anesthesia or a general one based on your skin and scar type.



 What Is the Cost of Facial Scar Revision Surgery? 

The cost of the revision surgery can depend on many factors such as the type of scar and the treatment you need, the country from where you are planning to get your surgery done, and finally the specialist.

For example, the cost of a facial scar surgery in Iran will be $800 to about $1300 whereas the same surgery will cost you around $1400 in Canada and $4000 in the United States. This is the main reason Iran is the most wanted country among the rest because it has great specialists plus low cost and the chance to travel to a new country.

Gone are the days when we used to sit back and worry about the scars visible on our faces. Today thanks to facial scar revision surgery, we can get rid of the scars or even make them less visible and regain the skin we had.


The Last Words


In this article, we delved into the realm of Facial Scar Revision, highlighting its significance in addressing facial scars arising from diverse origins. Also, we talked about the procedure intricacies, diverse methods, considerations preceding the decision, essential facts, candidacy prerequisites, post-surgery outcomes, benefits, duration, associated risks, recommended age, and cost factors.

The narrative underscores the surgery’s capacity to either remove or diminish scars, offering a comprehensive guide for individuals contemplating this cosmetic intervention.

If you are considering having Scar Removal Surgery, we are here to aid you. Get a free consultation with Dr. Maadicos Cosmetic Department in Iran to find tailored advice based on your unique treatment needs.


If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.


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Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is the best treatment for facial scar revision surgery? 

Among the different methods present, you can opt for a laser treatment for the removal of the scars.



  1. When is the best time to opt for facial scar revision? 

It is advised to go for the surgery 6 to 12 months after the scar happens on your face. Because the surrounding tissues of the scar are very soft and fresh and will help in getting the best result.


  1. What should I not do after the scar revision surgery? 

It is advised not to go under the direct sunlight and not put on any makeup till you are fully recovered.


  1. How painful is the revision surgery going to be?

During the procedure, you will be given local anesthesia and you might feel a bit of pressure and discomfort. After the surgery, you will feel pain which you can ease with prescribed painkillers.





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