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Do you know what is a Microblading procedure and why is it done? To explain, we have to say that it is a procedure done in the eyebrows, and the goal behind this procedure is to create hair-like strokes using a tiny blade-shaped tool that deposits pigments in the area of the eyebrows.

It is a great procedure for those who have always desired to have good-looking and better-shaped eyebrows but could not have them for some reason. It is also a good initiative for those who are cancer survivors and desire to have an eyebrow to look better.

As a result of the high demand for Microblading in the market, many skilled and nonskilled experts started performing Microblading eyebrows procedures, but not all had successful results. we are glad to say that Dr. Maadico came to action to help individuals with a free and detailed consultation.

This consultation will help you find the best clinic and the expert who will perform the best Microblading for you. Since then, let us read more about the Microblading procedure and why we need to get it done.


Microblading Procedure Details 

Microblading eyebrows simply means undergoing a procedure that claims to improve the shape and appearance of the eyebrows. It is also known as a feather touch or even micro-stroking.

The procedure is done under the supervision of a skilled technician who has undergone the respective training to perform with utmost care and satisfaction. The process is simple yet very interesting, which we will highlight in detail.




On the other hand, it is also a procedure known to be a tattooing technique with the use of tiny needles responsible for making permanent pigments on your skin in the area of the eyebrows. Keep in mind that it is not a procedure that is the same as eyebrow tattooing.

Another great reason people choose Microblading over other procedures is that, unlike tattooing, you can get it removed anytime you feel disheartened or tired of the way your Microblading results look.

Microblading is more natural and gives the eyebrows a more realistic look. The process is also known as eyebrow embroidery, microstroking, or even 3D eyebrows, and it has gained much demand and attention worldwide.


How to Prepare for Microblading

All you need to do before going for Microblading is to find the best specialist who will do the procedure for you skillfully and with no complications. After all, it is a visible place to everyone, and you cannot even hide it from people.

If you desire to prevent infection from occurring in the site of the eyebrows, you need to take good time in finding a skilled individual who has a long list of successful procedures and clients who are highly satisfied.

Once you find the expert, you will receive a detailed consultation and a date by which you must be present in the clinic for your Microblading procedure.


The Details of the Microblading Procedure

As mentioned earlier, it is a procedure done in the area of the eyebrows using needles that are attached to a particular tool, which the expert uses to create fine lines that look like eyebrows. It is more or less like getting a tattoo, which is not permanent.




According to the ones who have had their eyebrows Microblading done, they say that there is no pain during the procedure, and you can feel a slight discomfort only. It will take around one hour for the Microblading to get over, but it can even last longer based on your specialist’s skill.


After Microblading Procedure

You will be consulted before and after the Microblading procedure to help you recover quickly and better. Though it is an easy and noninvasive procedure, you still need to take care of yourself to prevent infections and complications at the procedure site.

Two hours after your Microblading procedure, you will have to run a cotton swab dipped in sterilized water over the Microblading area. Thanks to this, you can get the excess dye off from eyebrows to see the real result obtained from Microblading.


You will have to follow the following steps to help you have an easy and better recovery:

  • You should avoid getting eyebrows that have undergone Microblading wet for around seven days.
  • Avoid wearing makeup for a few days as the pigments are open.
  • Make sure to avoid saunas, pools, and even excess sweating.
  • You need to apply the cream that your doctor recommends on the site of the eyebrows.
  • Allow the area to heal naturally. Do not scratch or tug the area.


Quick Facts about Microblading Procedure

Procedure Type Microblading
Anesthesia local
Duration 30 minutes to one hour
Age 18 and above
Recovery 3 days to a week




The Cost of the Microblading Procedure

Microblading costs can vary in different countries based on the specialist’s skills and the dye type. Specialists charge differently based on location and clinic charges. You will be charged for your consultation and the Microblading procedure. You may be asked to revisit your specialist a few weeks after the procedure, which will have a separate cost.

The Microblading procedure costs around $600, $400 in Canada and $800 in the United States. The cost of the same procedure will be around $300 and above in Iran. Due to the availability of highly skilled experts, Iran is chosen widely as a perfect destination for Microblading procedures.

So, if you desire to get your eyebrows microbladed, go ahead and contact us. We will help you find the best specialist for Microblading procedures in Iran.


Benefits of Microblading Procedure

Microblading has amazing benefits, which is why it is demanded worldwide to a great extent. Some of the worthy benefits worth mentioning are:

  • It helps you in saving money.
  • It provides more natural-looking results than tattoos.
  • It is a great procedure, even for those who have lost their eyebrows as a result of sickness and health issues such as cancer.
  • It is a perfect solution to regain the normal look by having eyebrows.
  • It is painless and needs only two to three days of recovery.
  • No anesthesia is used during the procedure.
  • Last but not least, it helps you look groomed always with its long-lasting results.




Side Effects of Microblading

Microblading has possible side effects, but these side effects did not stop anyone from getting the procedure done. The risks and side effects of the Microblading procedure are minor, but they can get serious if you do not look after yourself during recovery.

Some of the risks and side effects are:

  • Your body may show allergic reactions to the ink that is used in the Microblading procedure.
  • You may develop keloids.
  • Lastly, there can be sarcoidosis, known to be tiny clusters of granulomas. So, consult your specialist in detail before going for the Microblading procedure.

Eyebrows are considered the windows of your soul that the world sees; taking care of them or making them look better is our responsibility. Beautiful eyebrows help in a better self-image and a higher self-esteem in general.

At times, we are not blessed with full, expressive eyebrows, but this is not the end of the world. Today, thanks to Microblading, we can regain the lost or dreamt eyebrows we always wanted. Make sure to search for the best in the field of Microblading and trust your eyebrows to them.


The Last Words

Microblading offers a transformative solution for individuals seeking to enhance the appearance of their eyebrows. This innovative procedure provides natural-looking results and is particularly beneficial for those who have struggled with sparse or asymmetrical brows.

With the guidance of skilled technicians and careful preparation, Microblading can achieve remarkable outcomes that boost self-confidence and promote a positive self-image.


If you are considering the transformation with Microblading, Book your consultation with Dr. Maadico’s Cosmetic Department Specialists in Iran for expert advice and personalized treatment. Enhance your eyebrows and boost your confidence.

If you’re ready for a change, request a free consultation.




  • Is the Microblading procedure a good idea? 

It is a good and worthy procedure that is safe and pocket-friendly. Once you get Microblading done, you will no longer struggle with scattered or fewer eyebrows.


  • How long will the result of Microblading last? 

The results can last long, but generally, they will stay for up to three years, after which you need to redo your Microblading for a better and fresher look.


  • Can I get my Microblading removed once it is done? 

The best part about Microblading is that it can be removed whenever you get tired. There are plenty of methods for this, such as laser treatment.


  • Can vitamin C fade Microblading results? 

Products that do contain lactic, AHA, or retinol acids have the potential to fade away the Microblading pigments.



  • Is the sun harmful for Microblading results? 

The sun’s ultraviolet rays are harmful to the Microblading results, and they can even fade away the results and the implanted pigments from your skin. So avoid direct exposure to the sun.


  • Can I sleep normally after the Microblading procedure? 

You will have to sleep on your back till your wounds are cured and the recovery period is over.


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