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Tooth Extraction

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Tooth Extraction


The dentist’s office is often a source of anxiety, especially when facing procedures like tooth filling or extraction. The fear of pain intensifies in such situations.

Tooth extraction becomes necessary for reasons like damage, decay, crowning, infections, or the removal of wisdom teeth, impacting both adults and youth. Despite the initial apprehension, tooth extraction is portrayed as a beneficial procedure for improving oral health.

The process, performed by a dentist or oral surgeon, may involve removing the tooth in a single piece or dealing with more complicated cases of broken or impacted teeth.

The dentist will completely remove the decayed tooth from its socket and this is when the painful part comes to action. If you are looking for a great specialist who will do the tooth extraction for you and leave you without any trouble, then get in touch with us now at

Dr. Maadico’s Medical Department and allow us to guide you better through the free consultation.


 When Should I Go for A Tooth Extraction Procedure? 

When it comes to tooth extraction, according to the healthcare providers it is the last option left when there is no way to save the tooth anymore. Saving natural teeth is not easy especially when it goes to extents and the only option is extraction.

In the following cases, the dentist will recommend tooth extraction such as:

  • A severely fractured tooth
  • Many decayed tooth cavities
  • Crowded tooth
  • Gum diseases
  • Lastly an impacted tooth


Quick Facts About Tooth Extraction

Type of surgery Tooth extraction
Age 16 and above depending on the condition
Duration 30 minutes
Anaesthesia Local


 Before Tooth Extraction

Once the dentist recommends you extract the tooth he/she will carefully assess the affected tooth along with its surrounding teeth to check for new or further cavities.

A dental x-ray will also be taken to check in a more detailed manner and to see how deep the damage is. It is a good idea to tell the dentist about the medications you are on and the supplements or vitamins.


Tooth Extraction


Do, make sure to tell your dentist the following before opting for a tooth extraction procedure. Tell your dentist if you have:

  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease
  • A liver disease
  • If you have an artificial joint in your body
  • Thyroid disease
  • If you have an impaired immune system
  • If you have a damaged heart valve
  • And lastly an adrenal disease


During The Tooth Extraction Procedure

Coming back to everyone’s phobia we have to tell you that you will be given local anaesthesia which will help numb the area and make it less painful for you.

  • With the use of dental instruments, your tooth will be loosened up slowly and will be removed from its socket gently.
  • At times there are complications as well in which the dentist is forced to make some incisions to make the tooth come out easily.
  • As soon as the tooth is removed the socket will be cleaned and disinfected carefully.
  • Sometimes based on your condition the dentist can even place a dental bone graft in the area of the removed tooth to help in preventing loss of bone in the jaws.
  • Lastly, the incisions will be stitched carefully and you will be sent off home.


Post-Tooth Extraction Surgery

A piece of gauze will be placed in the area of the removed tooth and you will be asked to close your mouth and push it firmly with steady pressure.

Thanks to this procedure there will be less bleeding. The procedure helps in fast and easy healing which also reduces the risk of dry sockets.

Do not panic if you get light bleeding even 24 hours post-surgery, it is normal but make sure you visit your dentist if the bleeding is out of control.

Apart from all these make sure you do the following:

  • It is better to use an ice pack on your cheek directly. This will help in reducing the swelling from the tooth extraction.
  • Go ahead and take the over-the-counter painkillers as prescribed.
  • Avoid using straws for the initial 24 hours.
  • You can brush your teeth like usual but make sure you avoid the extraction site to avoid pain and bleeding.
  • Make sure you eat light food that does not need much chewing. After a few days, you can get back to your normal routine.
  • At times there is severe pain and even infection on the extraction site. Make sure you visit your dentist and get it checked to avoid further complications.


Post-Tooth Extraction Surgery


 How Much Does a Tooth Extraction Cost?

In general, the cost is different in different countries based on the dentists, and the clinic as they charge differently. For example, simple tooth extraction can cost you something around $75 and can go up to $200. In the case of the impacted tooth, the cost can even go higher to something around $800 to up to $4000.

In the case of Iran, it is different as the cost is way lower. This is the main reason people choose Iran for their tooth extraction procedures and other medical and cosmetic surgeries. The tooth extraction procedure in Iran will cost you around $30 to $40 maximum. So it is up to you which country and dentist you desire to choose.


The Risks of Tooth Extraction Procedure

There are risks in the case of tooth extraction as well. Some of them worth knowing are:

  • Delayed healing
  • Nerve injury at times
  • Perforation of the maxillary sinus
  • Post-surgical infections
  • Dry socket


Tooth Extraction Recovery

The recovery time may not be the same in different individuals as it is highly dependent on the complexity of your tooth extraction procedure. The majority of the patient have got back to their daily routine after the tooth extraction procedure within 48 hours or at least 72 hours but the jawbone can even take weeks to heal completely.

So if you are someone who is planning to replace a tooth with an implant then you will have to wait enough for the jawbone to heal completely.


Tooth Extraction Complications

Some of the complications that you should be aware of in order not to panic are mentioned below:

  • There can be swelling and bruising as a result of extraction with the use of instruments.
  • There can be nerve injuries
  • The adjacent teeth can get damaged
  • Pain which is common in tooth extraction procedure
  • Bleeding
  • Dry socket
  • And lastly infection


The Risks of Tooth Extraction Procedure


Among the complications we mentioned above the most common one is a dry socket which is the result of tooth extraction. This is when the blood clot is formed in the pocket of the gums and it will be dislodged three days after the procedure. A dry socket exposes the jaw bone as well as your nerves and results in severe pain and much time to heal.



 The Last Word

It is not pleasing news to know that you have to go for a tooth extraction procedure but we have no other option but to do so. It is at times the best solution one can give to save the rest of the teeth from getting damaged as well.

In this situation, you simply need to locate a specialist who can skillfully perform this procedure using proper hygiene tools. Rest assured that at Dr. Maadico’s Medical Department, you will find highly skilled dental professionals equipped with top-quality hygiene tools, allowing you to undergo your tooth extraction surgery with confidence.

Once the jawbone is healed completely, go ahead and plan for a Dental Bridge or even a Dental Implant in the place of the removed tooth.

Get a Free Consultation


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What can I eat after dental extraction? 

It is advised to stay away from hard or crunch food till your jaw bone and the incisions are better. Go for soft foods like eggs, yoghurt, rice and even applesauce.

  1. How many days should I rest during the tooth extraction procedure? 

It is better to rest for about three to four days after the surgery till your removed tooth place is healed completely. Make sure you avoid strenuous activities till you are fully better.

  1. What is the most painful tooth to extract? 

The most painful and complicated tooth to extract is the wisdom tooth which has unfortunately failed to erupt properly. As the degree or impaction goes higher the difficulty also increases.

  1. Things to tell your dentist before planning for a dental extraction

Keep in mind that dental extraction is not a small surgery and it can have side effects if you do not keep your dentist well informed about the conditions you may be having.

Tell your dentist if you:

  • Have an impaired immune system
  • If you have a damaged or even a man-made heart valve
  • If you have a heart defect that is congenital in nature
  • If you have a history of bacteria endocarditis
  • Tell your doctor if you have a liver disease
  • And lastly, if you have an artificial join in your body such as a hip replacement




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