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 Wisdom Teeth Removal

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 Wisdom Teeth Removal


We commonly associate the third molar with wisdom teeth, expected to emerge around 18 but varying among individuals. Contrary to the name, these teeth don’t enhance wisdom but often lead to pain, prompting removal.

The extraction process, more complex than routine tooth removal, involves careful surgical intervention. Wisdom teeth, located at the back of the mouth, can cause discomfort due to insufficient space. Wisdom tooth extraction can be painful and cause discomfort which we will talk about in detail.

Despite the challenge of finding an expert for this surgery, Dr. Maadico’s Medical Department offers a solution, providing free consultation for a seamless wisdom teeth removal procedure.

 Why Is Wisdom Teeth Removal Done? 

Being the last teeth to appear they erupt normally. At times many people complain about impacted wisdom teeth and say there is no enough room for the teeth to grow.

Keep in mind that if the wisdom teeth are impacted, it may:

  • Grow at the wrong angle and push the other teeth
  • It can grow backwards right towards the back of the mouth
  • It can grow up or down and stay trapped in your jawbone
  • Lastly, it can even grow at a right angle and lie down inside the jawbone only.

 Quick Facts On Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Type Of Procedure Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery
Recovery 2-3 Weeks
Anaesthesia General
Age 18 And Above
Duration Of The Procedure 30 Minutes


 Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Surgery

The dentist will remove your wisdom teeth in his chamber but if your case is different and your teeth require an in-depth surgery then you will have to undergo oral surgery with an oral surgeon. Your gum will be numbed with the help of anaesthesia which will make the entire procedure more comfortable and pain-free.


 Things to Ask Your Surgeon

  • You should ask your surgeon about the number of teeth that have to be removed.
  • The type of anaesthesia you will receive.
  • The complications of the procedure.
  • Is there any damage to the side teeth as a result of damaged wisdom teeth?
  • The period for the recovery.



The Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

It is a procedure that will allow you to go home on the same day. Your surgeon will make certain instructions for you to leave from hospital. All you need to do is follow the instructions and the recovery will be faster.

  • As soon as your dentist realises the need for wisdom teeth removal then you will be given a date to be present in the clinic.
  • During the procedure, you will be given sedation to numb the area. There might be pain after the procedure but it is normal.
  • The dentist will make an incision in your gum tissue and will expose your bone and tooth to make it come out easier.
  • The dentist will slowly remove the bone which is blocking the way to get access to the tooth.
  • Then the tooth will be divided into small sections to come out more easily.
  • The tooth will be removed completely.
  • Then the site will be cleaned well and stitches will be put on your gum to avoid bleeding.
  • Finally, gauze will be placed over the stitches site which will help in stopping the bleeding and prevent blood clots from happening.


Post-Surgery of Wisdom Teeth Removal

  • You can calm the pain by taking acetaminophen or painkillers prescribed by your surgeon.
  • Drink as much water as you desire but avoid drinking alcoholic beverages till you are fully fine.
  • Brush your teeth but avoid the extraction site to avoid pain and bleeding.
  • For about 72 hours or more, you should avoid smoking. Chewing tobacco is not a good idea so don’t go for it.
  • There are at times stitches that dissolve naturally. If the type of stitches is not dissolvable then book an appointment and get your stitches removed by your specialist.


 Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

The procedure is not complicated and you will recover after two weeks. During the recovery procedure, it is common to have a swollen face.

The healing process will take time but improvements will be visible soon. At times as a result of a broken tooth or complications, there might be bruises, swelling and even excess pain which will take a bit longer to heal.

Sometimes patients even suffer from jaw tightness and can open their mouth to a limited size and even dizziness can happen as a result of the received anaesthesia.

Some tips you should keep in mind during recovery from wisdom teeth removal are mentioned below:

  • If you are still under the effects of anaesthesia and feel dizzy then you may feel nausea and even vomit. Take medicines and good food as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Eat light food for a few days and allow the stitches and the bruises to heal faster.
  • In the case of continuous vomiting and feeling of nausea do visit your dentist immediately.
  • After three or four days you will be able to return to your daily routine but do not go for strenuous activities.

You can calm and treat the pain with painkillers as prescribed by your dentist. Make sure you do not smoke and drink alcohol till you are fully fine. In case of excess pain and bleeding, do not waste time and get in touch with your dentist as soon as possible.



Why Are Wisdom Teeth Problematic? 

Wisdom teeth are problematic and this is why wisdom teeth removal surgery is done.

As a result of not having enough space to grow it either grows inwardly or starts pushing the other teeth and causes discomfort and pain. On the other hand, the gums can pain even if the teeth grow at a particular angle pushing other teeth and forcing us to go for surgery.

 Wisdom Teeth Removal Complications

Some of the complications that are normal in the case of wisdom teeth removal are mentioned below but keep in mind if the complications are ongoing then you have to visit your dentist as soon as possible.

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Yellow pus which will be visible around the wound
  • Dizziness

All these are the normal complications that tend to happen.

The Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal Extraction 

Well depending on the country you are and the dentist you go the cost can vary. For example, a simple wisdom tooth extraction can cost around $75-$200 and in the case of the impacted wisdom tooth it can range from $225 to $600.  It may be a heavy cost for many to pay this amount for a wisdom teeth removal procedure.

In Iran on the other hand, the removal of wisdom teeth is done at the cost of $80. At times majority of the tourists visit Iran to get themselves checked fully and get their teeth job done including the removal of wisdom teeth.

Benefits of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Keeping the pain and the discomfort aside there are benefits as well that are worth mentioning. Some of the great benefits are:

  • The wisdom teeth removal can protect the other teeth from getting damaged
  • It can lessen facial and oral pain.
  • It provides better hygiene.
  • Thanks to wisdom teeth removal one can easily prevent infections.
  • It can reduce the upcoming sinus problems from occurring.
  • Lastly when the wisdom teeth are removed it means there is less overcrowding in the mouth and fewer orthodontics


 The Last Word

Wisdom tooth extraction is a routine dental procedure widely performed today. It is categorized as an outpatient procedure conducted under mild anaesthesia, making it relatively straightforward and low-risk. If you experience any painful symptoms in your teeth, don’t hesitate to consult our experts at Dr. Maadico’s Medical Department.

Rest assured, you can undergo your wisdom tooth surgery with confidence, as it will be carried out by skilled Iranian dentists using high-quality tools.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What’s the pain progression after wisdom teeth surgery?

Days two and three are considered to be the peak and there is swelling and severe pain which is normal. The day of surgery is not that painful as you will still be under the numbness of the anaesthesia.

  1. Can I eat anything I want after the removal procedure?

It is advised to eat light and soft food at least for the first-week post wisdom teeth removal procedure. Please do so if you desire to get well soon and avoid further bleeding and pain.

  1. Can I drink after the wisdom teeth removal procedure?

Yes, do drink a lot of water and keep your mouth and yourself hydrated. For faster recovery go ahead and drink lukewarm water to avoid sharp pain as a result of cold water.

  1. Can I talk as soon as my wisdom tooth is removed?

You can talk even right after your wisdom tooth removal procedure. There will be slight pain while talking as it is normal after the stitches that you got in your gum.



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