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Privacy Policy

Dr. Maadico is committed to protecting visitors’ privacy to Dr. Maadico’s website and users of the services provided by this company.

Dr. Maadico states that the privacy policies of this company, with an emphasis on the policies related to data collection of site users, are in the Data Privacy section of the Maadico Co, and the following items are supplementary to it.

Dr. Maadico states that it does not rent or sell the personal information of its website users. Also, the collection of information of users who register on Dr. Maadico’s website, visit the website, and upload their personal information on this company’s website is done for the following purposes:

Data collection

Dr. Maadico collects users’ personal information to improve the services and facilities provided to the clients, fulfill requests, contact users, and customize its contents and advertisements. By using this website, you now consent to Dr. Maadico’s use of your personal information registered on this company’s website.

Use of collected information 

Dr. Maadico, as a company active in medical education and health tourism, uses its website as a platform for you to communicate with medical service providers, third-party providers such as travel agencies, translators, customer service agencies, and payment service providers.

If necessary, Dr. Maadico will share users’ personal information with third parties or companies trusted by this company, such as doctors, surgeons, medical staff, hospitals, and affiliated companies, to carry out business operations and process data provided by users. By using this website, you now consent to Dr. Maadico’s use of your personal information registered on this company’s website.

Responsibility for external sites 

The links provided from other sites on Dr. Maadico’s website are to improve and promote the site’s content services for its users. Links include images, articles, and videos. Using links will make your communication with third parties easier.

In this regard, Dr. Maadico acknowledges that it does not control or monitor the posted links, and these links do not include the privacy practices of Dr. Maadico’s website. This issue consists of the possible use of your private information by third parties through the connections they provided on Dr. Maadico’s website.

Changes to the Privacy Policy 

Dr. Maadico may change its privacy policy over time, at any time, and for any reason. Therefore, please read the privacy policy of Dr. Maadico’s website every time you visit the site.

How to contact us 

Please go to the Contact Us page if you have any questions about the processing of your data on the website.

Last updated: [insert date]