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Social Responsibility

Dr. Maadico Co. is a large family. Like many global corporations, it utilizes human and environmental resources to achieve its business objectives. In this context, Dr. Maadico Co. feels a strong sense of responsibility towards society, its employees, customers, and colleagues.

We view the fulfillment of these responsibilities and humanitarian goals as a mutually beneficial exchange, creating value for both our company and society at large. With this in mind,

We have set two primary goals to enhance our sense of social responsibility:

  1. The participation of Cosmetic Surgery enthusiasts in tree planting through active Iranian NGOs takes on a special meaning, as a tree is planted in Iran in honor of each patient who has received services from Maadico.
  2. allocate funds for educational services aimed at students and children in underprivileged areas, thereby achieving humanitarian objectives and leaving a lasting legacy for our company.